Neighbor-Sampling Based Adam-Type Stochastic Methods for Training Graph Neural Networks

Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are a powerful tool for graph representation learning. Due to the recursive neighborhood aggregations employed by GCNs, efficient training methods suffer from a lack of theoretical guarantees or are missing important practical elements from modern deep learning algorithms, such as adaptivity and momentum. We present several neighbor-sampling (NS) based Adam-type stochastic methods for solving a nonconvex GCN training problem. We utilize the control variate technique proposed by  [Chen et al., 2017]  to reduce the stochastic error caused by neighbor sampling. Under standard assumptions for Adam-type methods, we show that our methods enjoy the optimal convergence rate. In addition, we conduct extensive numerical experiments on node classification tasks with several benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate superior performance of our methods over classic NS-based SGD that also uses the control-variate technique, especially for large-scale graph datasets.

Amos Eaton 215
Speaker: Molly Noel from RPI
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