
Solve Real World Problems.

From the precise mechanics of the inner workings of living cells, to predicting how fluids and structures interact, Rensselaer mathematicians are continuing an establish tradition of harnessing mathematics to support engineering and scientific pursuits for the good of our 21st-century world.

Acoustics, Combustion & Fluid-Structure Interactions

Research in acoustics, combustion and fluid-structure interactions share a common theme of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of problems in fluid and solid mechanics. Applications in these areas often involve wave propagation in complex constitutive materials, such as acoustic wave propagation in non-uniform media, detonation in heterogeneous explosives, or nonlinear deformation in elastic solids, among others.

Graphic of Quantum formula
High-accuracy simulation techniques for Many-Body Quantum Systems represent a frontier with significant opportunities for applied mathematics. These complex systems, characterized by intricate interactions among numerous particles, demand sophisticated computational methods to accurately capture their behavior.

Electromagnetism is a fundamental branch of physics and a key component of many natural and engineered systems. Since its inception, electromagnetism has been a rich source of fundamental mathematical problems, especially in the theory and numerical computation of solutions to partial differential equations.

the earth from space

Understanding how human activities impact the environment and ecosystems involves a web of interconnecting biological, chemical, and physical components. In addition to the disciplinary expertise required for each of these elements, mathematics plays a strong role in effectively analyzing and computing how the key drivers and parameters influence the various metrics of health of the ecosystem and environment.

High Performance Computing & Numerical Analysis

Research in high performance computing and numerical analysis involves the development of algorithms designed to compute solutions of difficult, often nonlinear, mathematical problems spanning a wide range of applications. An essential element of the research concerns the analysis of the algorithms, which seeks to uncover important properties of the methods, such as stability and convergence, so that the algorithms can be employed with a clear understanding of their behavior and accuracy.

High-Dimensional Stochastic Modeling, Analysis & Simulation

A common situation in modern scientific research is that the number of factors affecting quantities of interest (such as the shape of a biomolecule, changes in regional climate, or the biodiversity of the ecosystem in a certain lake) is so large that a model comprising all of them would be analytically and/or computationally intractable. A typical way of modeling such systems is to include a manageable number of explicit dynamical variables, and represent the others by some suitable statistical or stochastic terms.

mathematical biology

Biological sciences have undergone a great expansion, beginning in about the middle of the last century, and introduced a wealth of new areas studying systems ranging in size from the molecular to that of ecosystems. The tools of investigation in many areas of modern biology have grown to be increasingly quantitative and reliant on other sciences, particularly mathematics. The biosciences have thus become a rich source of mathematical problems, inspiring advances in modeling, analysis, and computational methods.

Image of a yellow flower
A central focus in operations research and data science is the study of real-world problems with the aim of making better decisions.  Analytical techniques, such as mathematical programming, machine learning, data mining, probability and statistics, and mathematical modeling and simulation, are used to formulate and solve mathematical models and optimization problems. A common feature of the research is the collection and use of data, ranging from big data and network domain data to abstract knowledge and assumptions about how processes work
IBM Quantum Computer at RPI
Quantum computing is an exciting new computational paradigm that holds tremendous potential and opportunities for the field of computational mathematics. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, quantum computing can in principle perform complex calculations at speeds unimaginable with classical computers.
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