Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is an exciting new computational paradigm that holds tremendous potential and opportunities for the field of computational mathematics. By leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement, quantum computing can in principle perform complex calculations at speeds unimaginable with classical computers. This opens up new avenues for solving high-dimensional and intractable problems, particularly in areas like cryptography, optimization, and simulation of quantum systems. As quantum hardware and algorithms continue to advance, the possibilities for innovative research and practical applications in computational mathematics are expanding rapidly, promising significant contributions to science and technology.

At RPI's math department, the main focus in quantum computing research is on quantum linear algebra, ground state preparation, and hybrid classical-quantum HPC integration. Quantum linear algebra techniques are essential for efficiently handling large datasets and performing complex calculations integral to quantum algorithms. Ground state preparation is fundamental for accurately simulating quantum systems and understanding their properties. The integration of hybrid classical-quantum HPC systems combines the strengths of both paradigms, enabling effective simulation and optimization of quantum algorithms. This integrated approach promises to advance the capabilities of quantum computing, facilitating breakthroughs in various scientific and technological fields.

Faculty Researchers: 

  • Fabian Faulstich
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