M.S. in Applied Mathematics

Expanding Skills in Mathematical Modeling, Computation and Analysis

Rensselaer's Masters in Applied Mathematics focuses on mathematics as it is employed to study science, engineering, or management problems. It stresses construction, analysis, and evaluation of mathematical models of real-world problems, and those areas of mathematics that are most widely used to solve them. The requirements for this degree allow students to prepare for entry into the Ph.D. program in applied mathematics or for employment in business, industry, or government.

Program of Study

Students must meet the Office of Graduate Education requirements and follow a plan of study acceptable to this office and the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

  • At least four graduate (6000) level courses of four credits each, of which at least two must be in math (MATH- 6xxx or MATP-6xxx).
  • At least four courses coded MATH or MATP of four credits each.
  • At least one three- or four-credit course at the 4000 or 6000 level outside the department (i.e., not coded MATH or MATP and not cross listed with any department course), selected in consultation with the math adviser.

Each student must participate in a Capstone Professional Experience (see below).

Each Master’s student must participate in a Capstone Professional Experience, by registering for and completing one of the following alternatives:

  • a Masters’ Project in Mathematics, MATH-6890;
  • a Master’s Practicum, MATH-6970, such as a graduate cooperative internship or active participation in the Applied Mathematics Industry Workshop;
  • two 6000-level MATH courses of 4 credits each with second digit either 4 or 5;
  • two 6000-level MATH courses of 4 credits each with second digit either 6 or 7;
  • two 6000-level MATH courses of 4 credits each with second digit 8;
  • two 6000-level MATP courses of 4 credits each.

For a Practicum, a department faculty member must approve plans in advance and will certify its satisfactory completion. You should ask the Graduate Student Coordinator for the form needed for the proposal and completion of a Master’s Practicum.

The program catalog can be found here.

Resources frequently used by graduate students in Mathematics can be found here.

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