A page that consolidates many of the resources frequently used by graduate students in Mathematics.
All graduate students in the Ph.D. program have a set of exams they are required to pass. Understanding these exams and the method in which they must be completed is your responsibility. Masters' students who switch into the Ph.D. program will also have to complete these exams, but the timing is a bit different.
It is expected that each graduate student is an active learner, is interested in the subject matter, can learn independently, and can complete the assignment at hand in the specified amount of time. In comparison to undergraduate courses, graduate courses usually cover more material in a shorter time and in greater depth. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep up with all assignments and text readings. As an undergraduate one may have been successful even though assignments were completed at the last minute. In graduate school this is almost impossible. As such, the following is a list of helpful hints to aid in one’s academic success.
- Stay current with all text readings. Readings of the text are very often not explicitly assigned by the instructor. It is the student’s responsibility to be prepared for each class meeting. When a text is difficult to read, consult other related texts for an alternative point of view.
- Review class notes regularly. Try to clarify difficult concepts covered during the week. Consult with other classmates, professors, or texts. Ask yourself core questions about the subject and find the solutions.
- Begin assignments and projects early. Multiple assignments are often due on the same day. An early start allows one to work on several tasks at once, and doing so facilitates bringing each to completion.
- Work in groups when permitted. Study groups are often encouraged by the instructor. Conversing with other members of the class generally increases your understanding of the subject matter. However, solutions to problems should be written up individually. Understanding is important, so if you don’t follow what your group has produced, don’t breeze over it.
- Seek instructor assistance. Office hours are posted for each faculty member. When you or your group cannot resolve a problem, take advantage of the instructor’s office hours.
- Fill in gaps in knowledge. In learning a new subject, you may come to the realization that there are certain “holes” in your knowledge base. Fill these holes on your own. If the holes are too big, consult a professor for assistance.
General Information
If this is the first semester in which you are a TA in the Math Sciences Department you should plan on taking only two courses. In addition to these two courses you must register for and participate in the TA Seminar. During other semesters in which you are a TA you should plan on taking no more than three courses.
The Master Teaching Assistant and the Graduate Student Coordinator are good contacts if you have questions or concerns relating to teaching in the Math Science Department.
TA Handbooks
The Graduate School Rensselaer TA Handbook which covers many helpful topics for TA's.
Addressing Academic Dishonesty
Rensselaer has a document (page 16) that details how one should address a case of possible academic dishonesty.
This seminar focuses on numerical methods with an emphasis on applications. The speakers are mostly graduate students, but both students and faculty are welcome to atttend.
A student-led discussion group focused on exploring the diverse applications of mathematics across different fields. This seminar provides a space for informal discussions on mathematical concepts and their real-world applications in physics, chemistry, engineering, and computational sciences.