Graduate Academic Awards

The Ralph Ernest Huston Prize (1973)

Established by Antoinette K. Huston and sons, Peter, Kenneth, Richard and T. Michael, in memory of Dr. Ralph Huston, Professor of Mathematics from 1934-1969.  This prize is to be awarded to the first or second year graduate student in the Department of Mathematical Sciences who has demonstrated unusual promise and ability as a teacher.  Should there be no student who qualifies for the prize in any one year; the funds available for the prize may be used for related purposes as determined by the Board of Trustees. 

The Joaquin B. Diaz Prize (1978)

Established by the family, colleagues, and friends of Professor Diaz, who was the first Albert Einstein Professor of Science in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.  It is awarded to a graduate student who shows ability and enthusiasm for research in mathematics.  It does not matter how small the student’s new idea or supposition may be.  Even negative information should not be considered useless.  The recipient should show curiosity in new questions, an inquiring mind, a love to understand things, and the patience for systematic inquiry.  Should no student qualify for the prize in any one year, the net annual income from the prize is to be retained as part of the principle?

The Bill and Nancy Siegmann Applied Mathematical Modeling Prize (2014)

Established by John G. Watson '71 in honor of his Ph.D. advisor, Professor Bill Siegmann, and his wife Nancy.  This prize is awarded to a graduate student whose work best exemplifies elegance in any or all of the three pillars of Applied Mathematics, namely, problem formulation, problem solution, and solution interpretation.

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