Discussion Topics With Your Teaching Assistant (TA) Supervisor

Your TA Supervisor is the faculty member for whom you are a TA. Each faculty member runs their class differently and you should expect each experience to be different.

As with your other advisors, a key aspect to a good experience with your is to keep communications open. It is strongly suggested that you set up regular meeting with your advisor. You should plan to meet with (or at least contact) your TA Supervisor before the start of classes at the beginning of a semester. (Showing up in your TA Supervisor’s office for the first time 15 minutes before the first class meeting of the semester is not a good way to start the semester.) Also, if you are scheduled to meet with your recitation section before the first meeting the professor has with the students, do not assume that the class is canceled.

The list below includes things you should ask your TA Supervisor before your first class meeting.

  • What should the format be for the recitation time, or is that up to the TA? Should it be problem solving, quizzes, homework, Maple demonstrations, or other things?
  • Should attendance be taken the first day?
  • What should the TA do if a student comes to the first meeting and they are not on the class roster? Can a TA allow a student to add the class (that is, sign their drop/add forms)?
  • Will the course policies address the following issues?
    • Grading scheme?
    • Final exam?
    • Academic honesty policy?
    • Attendance?
    • What is the policy if a student does not attend a quiz or exam?
    • What is the policy if an assignment is submitted late?
  • Do you have particular requests for how the TA’s should keep track of grades?
  • Can we have regularly scheduled TA/faculty meetings? (Possibly weekly?) Should these include the grader? Maybe instead, the TA should be in charge of the majority of the contact with the grader?
  • How should the TA address the issue of student grade appeals?
  • How should a TA deal with students who are allowed extended time on examinations?
  • Are there quizzes?
    • If so, does the TA write them?
    • Does the TA grade them?
    • Will you review them?
  • What are your expectations for office hours?
    • What should be covered?
    • How long? How often?
  • Should the TA post grades?
    • Where (in class, on the web, another place)?
    • In what format?
  • Is there a course Web page? Does the TA need to visit the web page regularly? Can the TA post things there?
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